Mountain Photoshop Project

Design Brief:

Using Photoshop, create 4 digital manipulations that place yourself in 4 different countries or cities outside of the United States. The goal of this project is to ask yourself if you could study abroad anywhere, where would you want to go?  

Your team must decide on 4 different locations around the world that you would like to use in creating your photo manipulations.

Project Timeline:

W / 10.18

  • Introduce Design Assignment 4 / Begin design process (research), and asset collection

  • Begin printing Project 3 posters for display

F / 10.20

  • Lab Day / PS Software Assignments 5 & 6 Due to Canvas by 11:00 am

M / 10.23

  • Show past student solutions

  • Targeted software demo / photo compositing

  • Review Assignment 4 concepts / sketches; Select best 3-5 to execute digitally

W / 10.25

  • Continue developing Project 4 / individual consultations to review progress 

  • Screen PS videos

  • Ethics in Photoshop Lecture

F / 10.27

  • Lab Day / PS Software Assignments 8 & 9 Due to Canvas by 11:00 am

M / 10.30

  • Pre-tique (class review of Project 4) - Files MUST be uploaded to Canvas by 9:00 am

  • Finalize Project 4, incorporating feedback from pre-tique

W / 11.1

  • Design Assignment 4 Due to Canvas by 9:00 am for final review

  • Demo InDesign – complete Lesson 1 as a class


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